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Kit PCR rythmes circadiens

119,00 € inc. VAT

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PCR kit - circadian rhythms
An innovative PW!
DNA replication
Genetic heritage and health
Expression of the genetic heritage
Genetic variability

Night owl or early bird 
In this kit, students will test their own genotype in the Per3 locus of the circadian clock gene, which is associated with humans' sleep behaviour preferences.
They will evaluate their genotype after sampling mouth cells, amplification by PCR and gel electrophoresis (consumables not provided).
They will evaluate their sleep phenotype using a simple circadian questionnaire, the ultimate goal being to become familiar with circadian clocks and to study genetic associations.
In 2 30 minute sessions (+ 1h30 amplification then the tubes are put in the freezer) then 55 min.

Composition, for 32 tests (32 students):

  • 32 sampling loops
  • 32 0.2 mL Microtubes
  • Complete reagents for PCR (QSP 32 reactions)
  • Molecular marker