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Fixed multiple power supply 6 V, 12 V or 24 V, DC and AC

348,00 € inc. VAT

- +
warranty 2ans

Protection against short-circuits by tripping and limiting current, and against over current on the source by fuse.
DC: 6 V, 12 V or 24 V
Alternative voltages: 6 V, 12 V or 24 V
Max intensity:
- 10 A on the 6 V or the 12 V
- 5 A on the 24 V
Floating outputs on 4 mm safety sockets
Wave: ≤ 5 mV cc or 1.8 mV effective
Precision: ± 1%
Protection against short circuits by current limiting and over currentby thermal breaker with automatic reset.
Main voltage: 230 V
Dimensions: 285 x 216 x 150 mm
Mass: 7.4 kg