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Home >  Produits >  Physics >  Microcontroleurs >  Cartes type Arduino et kits

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Starter kits

113,10 € inc. VAT

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Complete kit
Composition: Uno R3 card, USB cable, 2x16 LCD screen, breadboard, power supply module, joystick module, IR receiver, servomotor, stepper motor, ultrasonic sensor, water level sensor, sound sensor module,RTC clock module, rotary potentiometer module, keyboard module, motion detector module, accelerometer module, temperature and humidity module, matrix module, RFID module, 9V battery and battery coupler, connection cables, active and passive buzzer, 2 potentiometers, relays, remote control , switch, 5 buttons, 1 and 4 digit displays, 25 LEDs (white, red, green, blue, yellow), RGB LEDs, 2 photoresistors, 1 thermistor, 5 1N4007 diodes, 10 NPN transistors, 74HC595 ICs, CI L293D, 100 resistors (10 Ω to 1 MΩ), 10 ceramic capacitors, 4 electrolytic capacitors, and 20 male-to-female cables