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0-24 V AC / DC stabilised power supply

908,00 € inc. VAT
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Versatile power supply for all low voltage experiments that can be used as a power generator.
Four displays indicate current and voltage for each output (AC and DC).
Continuously adjustable current limiter for DC. Electronic current limiter for AC.

Technical characteristics:

  • DC output:
    Voltage: continuously adjustable: 0 - 24 V
    Intensity (0-12 volts): 0 - 10 A (for 0-12 V) and falling linearly 0 - 10/6 A (for 12-24 V)
    Protection: electronic
    Wave and noise: <25 mVpp
    Display precision: 1%
  • AC output:
    Voltage: continuously adjustable: 0 - 24 V
    Intensity: 0 - 6 A
    Protection: electronic
    Display precision: 2%
  • Main voltage: 230 V / 50 Hz
  • Dimensions: 312 x 225 x 117 mm
  • Mass: 3.4 kg